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The stems are reddish. This vegetable is often prepared as a pickle or with chicken or mutton. Popular in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa (called Nalite saga in Oriya, Belchanda' among Nepalese, Tengamora among Assamese). In Thai it is know as KraJiabDaeng , som phor dee in Lao, Chaye-Torosh in Farsi, karkade in Arabic, Rosela in Indonesia, asam belanda in Malaysia. Another important edible part is the fleshy sepal (calyx), which is intense red and tastes acidic. Sometimes used as a cranberry substitute it is used to make jelly and juice. The leaves and young stems are eaten raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable. It is also known to be a mild laxative and mild diuretic.

Sorrel bunch - Gongura

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